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小猫咪 立知 2022-03-11什么意思   contestrun   contest

英文美句 核心词汇contest

I hope that everyone can enjoy yourself and seize this opportunity to learn something useful from this contest.


enjoy oneself 过得快乐,过得快活

seize opportunities 抓住机会

contest: a competition in which people try to win something n. 比赛,竞赛

英文美句 核心词汇contest


A contest is a competition or game that people try to win. 竞赛; 比赛


1. a tennis contest 网球赛

2. a singing contest 歌咏比赛

3. a talent contest 新秀大奖赛

4. enter a contest 参加比赛

5. win a contest 赢得比赛

6. lose a contest 竞赛失败

英文美句 核心词汇contest


1. I only entered the contest for fun.


2. It is clear that the election will be a close contest .

英文美句 核心词汇contest


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