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芯片怎么形容,芯片的比喻,描写芯片的成语大全芯片,半导体描写人物动作的句子 描写人物神态的优美句子

小猫咪 立知 2024-01-23

芯片承载着人类最先进的技术。 现在中国已经成为芯片设计强国,但在芯片制造方面却处处陷入困境。 芯片制造的难点在哪里?

今天,芯片已经形成了非常成熟和专业化的制造工艺[1],它不是简单地一步完成,而是按照一定的时间间隔和空间顺序分成多个阶段[2]。 一般来说,芯片制造分为晶圆加工制造、前道工序(芯片加工)和后道工序(封装测试)三大环节。 我国主要以晶圆加工制造、后端封装测试为主。 制程中大部分高端设备和材料基本都是空白,因此高端芯片往往需要进口。 [3]

本文是“国科硬科技”策划的“国产替代”系列文章的第二十四篇,聚焦半导体制造全流程。 在本文中,您将了解到:半导体制造全过程的技术细节,半导体制造全过程涉及哪些设备和材料,国内外半导体制造全过程的发展情况。

付斌 | 作者

李拓 | 编辑





威化饼和威化饼干在英文中都是威化饼。 这不是巧合。 例如,威化饼的生产就像饼干的生产一样。 面粉过筛,然后与调料和水混合,搅拌成面团后,擀压成型为饼胚,然后切块。 晶圆制造也是如此,但晶圆制造对原材料和工艺的要求极其严格和复杂。

由于硅占地壳的25.8%,储量丰富且易得,因此硅基半导体是产量最大、应用最广泛的半导体材料。 但并不是所有的硅都可以做成芯片。 芯片制程规模已经达到纳米级,任何微小的杂质都会影响芯片的正常工作。 9)高纯多晶硅。

不同的芯片需要不同类型的晶圆,就像生产不同口味的饼干一样。 根据不同的指标,晶圆分为多种类型。


按照工艺,晶圆大致可分为三类:抛光晶圆、外延晶圆、SOI晶圆。 不管做成什么样的晶圆,它的起源都是抛光片,因为其他类型的晶圆都是在抛光片的基础上进行二次加工的产物。 例如,在抛光片的基础上进行退火,就成为退火片,它可以有非常多的分支。






硅片按直径分为2英寸(50mm)、3英寸(75mm)、4英寸(100mm)、5英寸(125mm)、6英寸(150mm)、8英寸(200mm)和12英寸(300mm) ) 等规范。

晶圆尺寸越大,每片晶圆可制造的芯片越多,单位芯片成本越低。 就像做馅饼一样,馅饼越大,可以切出的同样大小的块就越多。

此外,在晶圆上切割芯片时,某些边缘区域无法使用。 想象一下在圆上切一个正方形,不可能在边缘切出一个完整的正方形。 无论采用何种晶圆生产,芯片尺寸规格都是固定的,因此晶圆尺寸越大,晶圆的边缘损耗越小,大尺寸晶圆可以进一步降低芯片成本。

那么,既然圆形晶圆的边缘有这么多无法使用的区域,为什么不把它做成“晶圆”呢? 其实,科学家们并不是没有想过这个问题,而是由于技术的限制,成为了历史遗留问题。

首先,单晶生长的硅棒是圆柱形的,切成薄片后就变成了圆形; 其次,圆柱形单晶硅锭更容易运输,避免因凸块而造成材料损失; 另外,圆形物体也方便后续步骤。 手术; 最后,有些边即使做成立方体也仍然无法使用,计算表明圆边比方形更不浪费。 [8]


以8英寸和12英寸硅抛光片为例,在相同工艺条件下,12英寸硅片的可用面积是8英寸硅片的两倍多,可用率(指标为衡量每单位晶圆可生产的芯片数量)约为8英寸硅晶圆的2.5倍。 [6]

当然,晶圆尺寸越大,制造难度越大,对生产技术、设备、材料、工艺的要求也越高。 具体来说,关键技术指标包括局部平整度、边缘局部平整度、纳米形貌、氧含量、高度径向二阶导数等,残余体积等参数指标则有较高要求。

8" 与 12" 抛光垫[6]

不仅硅可以做成晶圆,目前半导体材料已经发展到第四代。 第一代半导体材料以Si(硅)、Ge(锗)为代表,第二代半导体材料以GaAs(砷化镓)、InP(磷化铟)为代表,第三代半导体材料以以GaN(氮化镓)、SiC(碳化硅)为代表,第四代半导体材料以氮化铝(AlN)、氧化镓(Ga2O3)、金刚石(C)为代表。


纵观全球硅片市场,主要为国际厂商占据,市场集中度较高。 2021年全球硅片市场CR5占比94%。 前五名的制造商是信越和SUMCO。 ,中国台湾环球晶圆( ),德国世创( ),韩国 (SK)。 [9]

相比之下,国内技术薄弱,业务规模小,集中度低。 大部分产品尺寸为8英寸及以下。 国内半导体晶圆企业主要有上海硅业、中环股份、立昂微、中晶科技、研究院等。 、Musk等,单一厂商市场占有率不超过10%,硅片以8英寸及以下为主。 12英寸晶圆是近两年中国产业关注的焦点:例如,灿芯半导体是一家专注于模拟芯片领域的12英寸芯片制造公司,已进入全面量产,计划总投资370亿元[10]; 月加工2万片12英寸智能传感器晶圆量产线项目总投资70亿元。 [11]

从数据来看,2019-2021年国内硅片市场规模将连续突破10亿美元,2021年将达到16.56亿美元,同比增长24.04%。 预计2022年将达到19.22亿美元。 [12]






“这里就像我想象中的乐园……只是机器人多了一些。” 这是专家对半导体制造厂的评价。 [14]

首先,有了装备,才能谈制造。 在晶圆厂的资本支出中,晶圆加工设备的资本支出也是最大的,占比达70%~80%。 [15]


在芯片生产过程中,上千台工艺设备同时运行。 可以说制造装备难,而要有序的生产这些装备更是难上加难。

预芯片工艺包括光刻、干法刻蚀、湿法刻蚀、化学气相沉积、物理气相沉积、等离子清洗、湿法清洗、热处理、电镀处理、化学表面处理和机械表面处理等,其中很多都会被反复使用。 复杂的。



在前处理中,设备的选择主要围绕工艺技术进行,即经常提到的28nm、14nm、10nm、7nm、4nm、3nm……工艺越小,制造难度越大,并且对装备的要求也越高。 目前,28nm是行业的分水岭。 比28nm先进的就是先进工艺,反之就是成熟工艺。



IRDS 未来工艺节点的技术规划[16]

从价值构成来看,光刻、刻蚀和薄膜沉积是前处理中最重要的三个环节。 2021年,光刻机、刻蚀机和薄膜沉积设备(包括CVD、ALD、PVD)的投资比例分别为20%、25%和22%,合计占超级装备总支出的60%。 [17]







光刻机是芯片制造中最大、最精密、难度最大、成本最高的设备。 光刻成本占芯片制造总成本的三分之一,耗时约占整个硅片生产时间的40%~60%,也决定了芯片上的晶体管可以做到多小制成。 [19]

光刻设备是一种投影曝光系统,由紫外光源、光学镜头、对准系统等部件组装而成[20]。 将曝光印刷在硅基板的感光材料(显微)上,实现图案转移。 其中,光掩模相当于相机胶片,比芯片大得多,也是通过光刻获得的,但通常采用无掩模直写光刻制造。

光刻的思想来源于印刷技术。 不同之处在于,印刷是通过纸张上油墨的光反射率的变化来记录信息,而平版则是利用光与感光物质的光化学反应来实现对比度的变化[21]。 例如,光刻机是一个巨大的单反相机,它可以将光掩模上的图案缩小数百万倍,并通过光化学反应将其转移到晶圆上。 [22]

光刻技术先后经历了接触式光刻、接近式光刻、全硅片扫描投影光刻、步进重复投影光刻以及现在的步进扫描投影光刻[23],光源经历了五个波长的迭代:从紫外波段的初始高压放电汞灯 g 线 (436 nm) 至 i 线 (365 nm),深紫外 (DUV) 波段的准分子激光 KrF (248 nm) 和 ArF (193 nm) , 到最先进的 13.5nm 极紫外 (EUV)。 [24]

为什么光刻机制造这么难? 挑战之一是进一步提高紫外光刻机的性能。 开发难度大、成本高。 从第一代光刻机到最先进的第五代光刻机,光源的波长从436nm缩短到13.5nm,除了光源产生困难之外,极紫外光在光刻机中的衰减也越来越大。光束传输和光学元件表面粗糙度的控制极其困难; 另一个挑战是,芯片二维密度的无限增加必然会遇到量子极限,而芯片的两条线电子运行规则的前提是它们互不干扰。 当硅芯片的密度在物理尺度上降低到小于1纳米时,它们就会受到干扰,不再遵循经典电子学定律。 这无疑是一个巨大的挑战。 [25]

不仅如此,在良品率的压力下,还需要保证芯片足够便宜[26]。 例如Intel的CPU设计文件一般在10GB以上,而ASML的NXT:2050i每小时可曝光295片300mm(12英寸)晶圆[24],Intel Ice Lake系列CPU单12英寸约485片即可从晶圆上切下来。 在这种情况下,极限可以暴露每小时 143,000 个筹码。 这种制造能力可以将单个CPU的成本降低到大众可以承受的数万至数千美元。 [25]



光刻机在半导体设备价值链中的占比高达 20%。 目前,行业内主要的光刻机公司有荷兰ASML(阿斯麦)、日本尼康(Nikon)、日本佳能(Canon)等。 [22]

在市场方面,ASML、尼康、佳能基本垄断了市场。 2022年,ASML的出货量将占全球出货量的82%,佳能占10%,尼康占8%。 其中,ASML拥有完整的光刻机系列,是全球唯一一家可以生产EUV光刻机的公司。 目前最小工艺达到3nm; Nikon专注于DUV光刻机,也可以生产浸没式光刻机; 佳能的产品集中在中低端。 [31]

从具体数据来看,2022年ASML、尼康、佳能集成电路光刻机总出货量为551台,较2021年的478台增长15%,EUV三大高端机型、ArFi 和 ArF 总计 551 台。 出货量157台,较2021年的152台增长约3%。另外,EUV光刻机ASML市场占有率100%,ArFi光刻机ASML市场占有率超95%,ArF光刻机ASML市场占有率超87% %,KrF光刻机ASML市场占有率72%以上,i-line光刻机ASML市场占有率23%以上。 [32]

2022年全球半导体光刻机前三大厂商出货量[31] 涂布、显影机

胶水显影(或涂层显影)设备虽然在结构上不像光刻机那么复杂,但也是必不可少的。 是光刻工艺中必不可少的设备。 [21]

对于光刻工艺来说,晶圆上光刻胶涂层的厚度和均匀性非常重要,它直接影响后续光刻工艺的质量,从而影响成品芯片的性能、良率和可靠性[33]。 因此,如何涂好光刻胶是一门学问,而负责涂光刻胶的设备就是涂胶和显影设备。

不同的光源对涂胶和显影设备有不同的要求。 早期低端芯片制造多采用涂胶显影设备(Off Line)。 显影设备和光刻系统都是在线(In Line)生产的[34],它随着光刻技术的进步而进步,并随着光刻精度的提高而增加技术难度。


涂布显影设备不是一种设备,而是一类设备的名称。 光刻工艺中的涂布、显影工艺包括HMDS(六甲基二硅氮烷,增粘剂)预处理、涂布、前烘、曝光、后烘、显影和膜硬化,其中主要使用的设备是上胶、曝光和显影3各种设备。

涂胶显影设备结构复杂,实施难度大。 不同厂家对设备结构和形式有各自的理解,但基本上都是由功能相似的单元模块组成,包括几十个功能模块组和配套机器人,数百个功能单元,数以万计的零部件,如箱站单元CS、箱站机械臂CSR、工艺机械臂PSR、涂胶单元COT、显影单元DEV、加热/冷却OVEN单元、对中单元CA、边缘曝光单元WEE等。此外,还涵盖了机械等多学科技术运动、温湿度及内部环境控制、系统调度与控制、化学反应与化学控制。 [21]


粘合剂显影机约占半导体设备价值链的5%。 从全球范围来看,日本TEL(东京电子)、德国SUSS(休斯微科技)、奥地利EVG、中国沉阳鑫源等公司都有成熟的解决方案,但TEL基本处于垄断地位。

从数据来看,2019年,TEL占据全球涂胶和显影设备市场近87%的份额,DNS()等公司占据剩余13%的市场份额; 2019年,TEL占据国内涂胶及显影设备市场近91%的份额,DNS占5%,国内鑫源微产品仅占4%。 [35]


对于国内生产来说,涂胶、显影设备销售的难点在于下游客户的工艺验证。 由于涂胶、显影设备与光刻机关联度高,设备厂商需要提供光刻机、掩模版、测试设备、方案等资源的配合,验证过程复杂且漫长,给厂商增加了难度。申请。 [36]


刻蚀机和光刻机是好朋友,它们都决定了成品芯片的性能。 例如,如果要制造5nm芯片,光刻机和刻蚀机都必须具备5nm工艺能力。

光刻机的原理是利用光将掩膜板的电路结构复制到晶圆上,刻蚀机根据光刻机复制的结构在晶圆上显微刻出凹槽或接触孔。 例如,光刻机就像工匠在木板上画线,而蚀刻机则根据木板上画的线雕刻图案。

在蚀刻过程中,晶圆被烘烤和显影,一些抗蚀剂被洗掉,露出开放通道的 3D 图案。 迄今为止,纳米级芯片已由数十层甚至数百层组成。 在此过程中,如何保证精确形成完整稳定的芯片结构是一个难点,避免在刻蚀过程中损坏多层微芯片的底层。 结构或在结构中创建空腔。 [27]

蚀刻分为湿法蚀刻和干法蚀刻两种。 湿法蚀刻使用化学品来清洁晶圆,而干法蚀刻基于晶圆上图案的气体暴露。 由于芯片自20世纪80年代以来不断缩小,湿法蚀刻的局限性逐渐凸显,包括无法用于3微米以下的图案、容易造成蚀刻图案变形、潜在毒性和液体污染等。并且需要额外的清洁和干燥步骤。 逐渐被干法刻蚀所取代,这两种刻蚀机目前在各自的领域发挥着重要作用。 [37]

干法刻蚀分为等离子刻蚀、反应离子刻蚀、离子束刻蚀三种方法。 根据其不同的特性,在工艺步骤中使用它们。 其中,电容式等离子刻蚀和感应式等离子刻蚀两类设备覆盖了主要的刻蚀应用。

蚀刻机的制造技术难度极大。 以等离子刻蚀机为例,需要电感耦合等离子体源。 为了保证等离子体的质量,需要超高真空。


刻蚀机在半导体设备价值链中的占比高达25%,市场增速也非常明显。 数据显示,2022年全球半导体刻蚀设备市场规模约为113亿美元,预计2023年至2031年将以7.6%的复合年增长率增长,到2031年将达到217亿美元。增长在于蚀刻机在逻辑/存储领域变得越来越重要。 [38]

蚀刻机被国际巨头垄断。 数据显示,2021年全球蚀刻设备行业前三名将是泛林半导体( )、东京电子(Tokyo )、应用材料( ),三者合计占据90%以上的市场份额,其中LAM的市场份额为46%,处于领先地位。 [17]


国产蚀刻机大多由国际品牌供应,而国外蚀刻机在国内的价格一般可达数百万元一台。 他们之所以占据如此主导地位,是因为他们在很多年前就已经开始不断整合。 并购寻求垄断溢价。 例如,应用材料公司曾与东京电子合并,泛林半导体与科雷也寻求合并,试图通过强强联合打造一个联合体。 [39]


当然,在蚀刻机领域,国产化不可能一蹴而就。 蚀刻机对加工精度要求极高。 例如,16nm等离子刻蚀机的加工规模仅为头发丝的五分之一,而其加工精度和重复精度的要求则必须达到头发丝的五万根。 三分之一。 这不仅仅是蚀刻机领域的问题,而是与国内精密加工机床等设备的发展有关[39]。 目前,中微半导体、北方微电子、金盛微纳科技等国内企业已逐步实现主流工艺设备出货,正在不断追赶国外巨头。

国内主要刻蚀机厂家[39] 薄膜沉积设备

薄膜沉积 ( ) 是用 1μm(微米)或更小的分子/原子材料覆盖晶圆表面的技术,可以使原本不导电的晶圆变得导电。

打个比方,就像用物理或化学的方法,把电子气变成固体,从空气中均匀地撒开,最后形成一层像白纸一样薄的薄膜,然后在这层白色的薄膜上画出精细的电路。 。 在纸上。 [40]


PVD是通过真空蒸镀、溅射镀膜等物理方法形成的薄膜,主要用于沉积金属及金属化合物薄膜。 已广泛应用于集成电路领域的Ti、TiN、Al等金属工艺,以及Fan-out、Ti/Cu-、TiW/Au-Gold Bump、Si基、SiC基IGBT和GCT器件在功率半导体领域,Ti、Ni、NiV、Ag、Al、Cr、TiW、SiO2、ITO等薄膜技术。

CVD是通过混合化学气体的反应在基材表面沉积薄膜的工艺。 主要用于沉积介质薄膜,已广泛用于制备SiO2、Si3N4、SiCN、SiON、磷硅酸盐玻璃、硼硅酸盐玻璃、硼硅酸盐玻璃等介质薄膜材料,Si、Ge、SiGe等半导体薄膜材料、GaAs、InP、GaN、SiC以及W、Al、Cu、Ti、TiN、金属硅化物等金属化薄膜材料。 [41]

薄膜沉积制备技术有多种类型,PVD包括蒸发()、溅射、离子束工艺设备,CVD包括热化学气相沉积(APCVD、LPCVD、MOCVD)、金属气相沉积(MCVD)、等离子气相沉积( PECVD)、原子层沉积(ALD)等,根据薄膜所需材料的不同,生产所采用的工艺设备也不同,大致来说:


薄膜沉积在制造设备中价值比重较高,其中CVD约占17%(ALD约占4%),PVD约占5%。 与此同时,薄膜沉积设备行业仍是高度垄断的行业。

从全球市场来看,在CVD领域,美国应用材料公司(AMAT)、泛林半导体(Lam)、东京电子(TEL)合计占据全球70%的市场份额。 其中,先进制造工艺所需的ALD设备由Tokyo (TEL)、 (TEL)、ASM两家公司提供,占据全球近50%的市场份额; PVD领域主要被美国应用材料(AMAT)、瑞士、日本Ulvac垄断,其中应用材料占据近85%。 [42]


国内薄膜沉积领域的竞争与国外巨头不同。 have rich and wide , while is in . The main is PVD, the main of nano is ALD, and the main of is . [41]


In the chip , there are many high- heat steps 700℃~1200℃. These are out in high- , , , and other main . [43]

The chip with the , which is also one of the most . When the wafer is to the , the in it will form an oxide film with , just like iron will and rust when to the . , the role of is to form a film on the of the wafer to the wafer from , from the , ion , and the wafer from . [44]

( ), vapor ( Vapor , PECVD ) and , among which is the most used . to the gas used in the , the is into dry (Dry ) and wet (Wet ). [45]

and , 丨Guoke Hard


The main of the is to dope the wafer under high , but this in the early the 1970s. At that time, the size of the chip was on the order of 10 μm. The case has used the .

The is to place the wafer in a high- for a of time to the or . It is with ion , thin film , and metal .

There are three types of basic for such as , , and : , , and rapid (RTP).

Heat for about 3% of the value chain, and the heat is by an . The share of ( ), Tokyo ( Tokyo ) and peer ( ) 80%. non-laser has a share of 5%, and North has a share of 0.2%. [46]

of in 2018[47] Ion

To make non- pure a , it is to add such as and to to form a PN (PN, a ), and then and . Among them, the of to is ().

The is very . Only after , the wafer will have and can be a . Not only that, but also which or the can . By the of the , such as , type and , and band , can the .

For , or into can get N-type , and boron can get P-type .

In chip , can be doped in the early stage of , such as donor or the CVD , so that some atoms in the film can be with .

For the that have been , two of () and ion () are used for . As in the heat of this , the is to , so for In to the , it is by ion .

The of ion is very and easy to . It is to use high- field to ions, the of the , and into the of the . Ion is like a , into the wafer and . Depth ( range).

to the ion beam range and beam size, ion has low , , high , , small beam , beam , and high beam . , in , more than 60% of the cases use low- and large-beam ion to logic chips, DRAM, 3D NAND and CIS chips, etc.; 18% use high- ion to power , IGBT, 5G radio , CIS, etc.; 20% use -beam ion . [48]

and of ion , 丨

丨Head [49]

The value of ion in is not large, about 3%. The ion in 2021 is about 2.4 to 2.6 US . It is that the will grow to 4.2 US in 2030 in the long run. [50]

There are only 9 ion in the world ( , , and ), and in the field, they are by (AMAT) and (), and the share of the two is 88%. [49]

Ion , 丨

丨 Bank of China [50]

In the , only and can ion . In , such as (AMAT), (), AIBT, and Japan's () take over The share of most fabs has been lost, and the rate of some fabs is only 1%~3%. [50]


As the to , the scale of is and , so the wafer has and for . In this case, a (CMP) is to wafer .

As the name , CMP is a of and . from pure and pure , CMP can avoid the of pure and pure speed, poor and . [51], this is many times in chip , , after thin film or in .

It can be said that the the node, the more CMP times are . For , from 180nm to 14nm, the of CMP steps will from 10 to more than 20 times, and the of CMP steps in the 7nm will even 30 times. [52]

CMP is into metal and non-metal . Non-metal (IMD CMP), (ILD CMP) and (STI CMP), etc. , Metal , , and so on.

CMP of three : , , and . its , the head the of the wafer to be the rough pad, and by means of , , and pad . , so the and the pad are the two major in the . [53]

CMP is a new that has been on a large scale since the 0.35μm node. In the past, it was just an ugly that was not .

In the early 1990s, due to the of in , CMP came into being and was used to the of back-end (BEOL) metal . At this time, this did not cause . focus on. In the mid-1990s, the 0.35μm , (STI CMP) LOCOS, and (W CMP) etch back. At the of the 21st , the of (Cu CMP) made the 0.13μm back-end a , and then Cu CMP has been used to 90/65/45/32/28/22nm. In years, as the nodes to , the for CMP are , and new CMP in an . [54]

of CMP , 丨 " Scale " [54], reset by Hard

At , the most 5/3nm is still using CMP . At the same time, 12-inch are still the size by the most . , there will be no cycle for CMP in the . The core and will be . [55]

CMP for about 3% of the value chain, while of the and Ebara of Japan more than 90% of the share of CMP . The CMP of the two has the level of 5nm . The high-end CMP is also by of the and Ebara of Japan. [55]

of CMP , 丨

丨 China [56]

, it is low-end at , and 12-inch high-end CMP is in the stage. Among them, CMP has the line, and CMP is used for 65~ 45nm , , by CMP from 45th of CETC, is also a new step. [51]


in to the of and self- by or such as , , , , and lead .

The chip has , which is due to the of the chip by the by , and the is as high as 80% [57]. If there are in the wafer that are not , it will the yield rate of the wafer at the , and lead to the of an wafer or even a batch of at the worst.

can run the chain of chip , for more than 30% of the steps. SEMI data shows that there are about 100 steps in the in the 80nm~60nm , and the to more than 200 steps in the 20nm~10nm [58]. It is also the with the most , three types of :

to media, is into wet and dry . The uses water and , by such as waves, , and to clean the of the wafer. The does not use . . Among them, 90% of the steps use wet , but both are , and each plays a role.

for about 6% of the value chain. from the quo of and , the is . The is . The data shows that DNS (Deans), TEL (Tokyo ), SEMES and LAM ( ) for 45.1%, 25.3%, 14.8% and 12.5% ​​of the share in 2020, . [59]

There are very few in China that can , , North , and . At , the four have 130nm~28nm , of which is 7/5nm .

with other types of , the rate of is , and the rate has from 15% in 2015 to 20% in 2020[60]. The short board lies in wet . DNS (), TEL (Tokyo ), LAM (Lam ) and SEMES have taken up 90% of the share of -chip .


The of is . There are of in the front alone. lead to . The of each will be to times or even of times over time. , the only way to that each does not exist can the of the final .

In other words, every step of , it is to check the . Just like CT, color , and in the field to in the of , these tools for the " " of the chip's front-end are and .

of a few , , or image will cause the chip to fail to work . If the yield rate of each in the front-end is lost by 0.1%, the final yield rate will be to 36.8%[61]. As the two major front-end , and can the and .

The and of and is and a lot of , but the space is not as large as that of or chips in the and lower , and the rate is . , it for about 12% of the value of , which is large.

The data shows that will from US$7.3 in 2021 to US$13.3 in 2031, with a rate of 6.2%. At the same time, the in this field is high. ( ) and ( ) for 50.8%, 11.5%, and 8.9% of the . [63]

The rate of my 's and is low. In 2020, the rate of my 's and is about 2%. The three of Kelei , , and my 's and . 54.8%, 9.0%, 7.1%. The in my for about 27.4% of the . to , the size of my 's and will reach 32.6 yuan in 2023. [64][65]

and in 2020[62] 3. Front-end : major

are the of chip . From times to the , the of is to . Each era is by the name, such as the Stone Age, Age, Age, Iron Age, and Age[66]. at the , all of the 35 that are stuck are to . [67]

The is an that plays with , and the types and of the are very large, and these will also be a part of the pre-.

are into wafer and . in the early stage of , , CMP , , wet , gases, , etc. [9]

to SEMI data, the for the size from 2015 to 2021, a trend of first and then . In 2021, the for about 11.56% of the total [9]. In 2022, the sales will reach US$72.7 , an of 8.9% with US$66.8 in 2021. Among them, the sales of wafer and will be US$44.7 and US$28 , , for 20% of the . 61.5% and 38.5% of sales. In , in 2022, the sales of in China will be US$12.97 , for about 17.8% of the . [68]

of scale in 2021[9]

in the is . show that from 2015 to 2021, the size rose from 10.16 yuan to 25.05 yuan, with a rate of 16.2%. . [9]

of Size in China from 2015 to 2021[9]

The price of is to the of the wafer . to SEMI data, the price of has from US$0.67 per inch in 2016 to US$0.98 per inch in 2021. [9]

price of in the world[9]

is an in , which is used to block the of , or . To put it , the is the film in the , which can copy the above onto the wafer. to the , the is into main mask, , mask, phase shift mask and so on.

, in the media and even , there are often , such as "mask plate" or "mask plate". Film", while the "plate" of the mask plate is the " plate", not the "plate" of the "plate". [26]

The is also by the , but the chip, the is much than the chip, so the and such as DUV and EUV is not used. , laser and beam mask . [26]

for about 12% of the . It is that the size in 2021 will be US$7.716 , of which 24% are for and 65% are for . [69]

In terms of flat panel , (Fonix), SKE, HOYA (Hoya), LG-IT, , and Luwei for 24%, 22%, 21%, 21%, and 7% of the share in 2020, , 5%; in terms of , 65% of the is by (such as Intel, , etc.), and third-party (Fonix), ( ), and DNP ( ) 2020 The share is 11%, 10%, 8%. [70]

Mask in 2020, 丨

丨 [70]


, also known as "", is the of . It can the and light in the into by using , so as to fine from the mask to the . The is to the to be . It is used in the and of micro- in the , and is a key for micro- .

In a word, is the most in the , and its the and yield of the .

In terms of , ( ether , to as PMA) is the most used , with a of up to 90%, but it is not in cost and does not play a key role; as the core of In some parts, the of is only about 1%~6%; the of resin used in . [71]

In terms of cost, in the field of , the more the , the the cost of resin: KrF ( ) as an , the cost of resin is as high as about 75%, and the cost of agent is about 23%. %, the is about 2%. [72]

to , can be into broad- , g-line (436nm), i-line (365nm), KrF (248nm), ArF (193nm), and the most EUV (

Among them, ArF two of dry and type (the is the the lens and is air or ), and ArF is also into dry and type. EUV is the most to , and it is also the core raw in the chip of 7nm and below.

The size in 2019 is to be about 9.1 US , with a rate of about 5.4% from 2010 to 2019. It is that the in 2021 will be about 10 ; RMB or so [73]. Among them, the size is about 1.75 US . [74]

In terms of , ArFi (that is, ArF ) and KrF have the share, both of which are above 30%, by g/i with a share of about 17%, EUV and other types of total only about 1%. But from the of , as a key for EUV that the trend of , EUV plays a key role in the chip below 5nm, and its rate is the best. [75]

In terms of , the is , with Japan and the most of the share. Japan's JSR, Tokyo Ohka, Shin-Etsu and for more than 70% of the share, with a solid . [75]


In the , have a . In 2020, will for at least 60% of the , of which Tokyo Ohka takes the with a share of 25.6%; of the ranks with a share of 17.6%. In terms of , in 2020, Japan's Tokyo Ohka ranks first in the world in terms of g/i line, KrF and EUV share; JSR the ArF with a 24.9% share. [74]

share in 2020[74]

, low-end PCB still for about 94% of , while high-end panel and are very [76]. to , the self- rate of g-line and i-line for 6-inch is about 10%, and the self- rate of KrF for 8-inch is less than 5%, while the self- rate of KrF for 12-inch is about 10%. The ArF for on , and the and of more EUV is at a very early stage [77]. In terms of , only the g/i line has been in for the of , and only a few with R&D in KrF have small batch .


No can gas, which is an basic raw and is the "blood" or "food" of . gas only for 5%~6% of the total chip cost[78], but have rigid and for gas, in low to price, so that gas has a cost .

gases are into two : gases and bulk gases [79], both of which are for . bulk gases and gases are used, , , panel and other . There is a the gases used in . Among them, (NF3), (SiH4) and (NH3) are the three main gases in the of , , and panel .

are big , and a or even of gases. as an , there are more than 100 kinds of gases , and about 40-50 kinds of core [80]. the of each gas is not very large, but there are many types, the . From the of share, is about 22%, is 13%, ion gas is 10%, are 6%, is 4%, and gas is 4%. at 3%, High at 3% and a host of other gases. [81]

Gas in , 丨Guoke Hard

At , the four Air of the , Linde Group of , Air of , and Taiyo Sanso of Japan about 90% of the [82]. The gas used in my is -. some have the to high- gas, it is to enter the field of [83]. The gas used in can only about 20% of the in my .[ 84], the rate is less than 15% [85]. At the same time, all high-end rely on . [86]

So far, gas are into three :

The size of my 's bulk gas in 2020 is 163.2 yuan, a year-on-year of 10.49%. It is to 200 yuan in 2023, 217.22 yuan. Due to the high to , the rate is low[88];年中国特种气体市场规模预计达342 亿元,其中电子特气预计达216 亿元,电子特气占特种气体接近6 成。 [82]

对比国内外发展情况,国际厂商供应客户均为尖端制造厂商,产品品种覆盖面更广,供气模式也更丰富,大部分可提供TGM 供气模式。国内则缺乏高端气体技术,同时仅少部分公司拥有TGM 模式。从技术角度来看,虽然我国已在气体提纯技术、容器处理技术、气体充装技术和检测技术上达到国际通行标准[89],但整体水平仍与国际存在差距。


工艺化学品( )是国际的一种统称,在美国、欧洲和中国台湾地区又被称为湿化学品,而在国内则也“电子级试剂”“超净高纯化学试剂”等更精准的表达方式。 This uses the -wide term wet .

Wet are , and SEMI ( and ) also them into one for , which the yield, and of [90].此外,从28nm 到5nm 总工艺步骤将由400 次增加至1200 以上,其中清洗工艺占总工艺25~30%,进一步带动高端湿电子化学品需求量。 [91]

As the name , wet are used in such as , , ion , CMP, , etc., and can be into wet and wet .

and of wet [92]

to gases, wet also for high .目前,全球均执行SEMI 国际标准,根据金属杂质、控制粒径、颗粒数、IC 线宽分级,不同分级适用应用不同。

湿电子化学品SEMI 国际标准等级[92]

目前,国际大规模湿电子化学品生产企业包括德国巴斯夫(Basf)、美国亚什兰()、美国Arch 化学、美国霍尼韦尔()、美国Baker、日本关东化学、日本三菱化学、日本京都化工、日本住友化学、日本和光纯药工业(Wako)、日本-、韩国东进等。我国主要企业则包括多氟多材料、江阴江化微、江阴润玛、苏州晶瑞、浙江凯盛氟、沧州信联、无锡三开、镇江润晶等。[93]



数据显示,2022 年全球集成电路用湿化学品市场规模为56.90 亿美元,2025 年则可增长至63.81 亿美元,其中中国总体市场规模将在2025 年增长至10.27 亿美元。[91]

虽然我国湿电子化学品已在太阳能电池领域已实现国产替代,但在半导体和平板显示领域市占率仅有23% 和35%,此外,2019 年中国大陆企业在超净高纯化学品市场供应上仅占中国市场的9%,超净高纯试剂无论是在质量上,还是数量上都难以满足电子工业需求。[94]

2019 年中国超净高纯化学品市场供应格局[94]溅射靶材


The is of blank, back plate and other parts, among which the blank is the core part and is the by high-speed ion beam.

of [95]

are used, chips, flat panel , solar cells, etc. For , are put for metal .

, chips have the for , which set for the of metal and , , , , , - , etc. The is above 5N (99.999%).

Metal and for [95]

溅射靶材产业各环节参与企业数量基本呈金字塔型分布,最高端应用的高纯溅射靶材难度极高,仅日矿金属、霍尼韦尔、东曹、普莱克斯等少数几个美日企业能够生产[95],四家公司合计占据80% 以上全球市场。[97]

In , the of from to .美日企业拥有最完整的溅射靶材产业链,韩国、新加坡则在磁记录及光学薄膜领域有所特长,我国则起步较晚,主要拥有江丰电子、有研新材、阿石创、隆华科技四家企业,目前已有部分企业初步实现高端应用溅射靶材。

全球半导体靶材和超高纯溅射靶材市场情况[97]CMP 抛光材料

CMP 抛光液是CMP 过程重要耗材,约占CMP 成本的50%,主要由磨料、去离子水、PH 值调节剂、氧化剂及分散剂等添加剂组成,其中纳米磨料是决定性原料,多为硅溶胶、SiO2、CeO2、纳米级Al2O3 颗粒等。 [90]

2022 年全球晶圆制造用抛光液市场预计超20 亿美元,2026 年可达到26 亿美元。国内方面,增速有望高于全球市场,2025 年国内抛光液市场有望占全球市场的25%,达40 亿元人民币,2021 年~2025 年复合增长率达15%。[91]

目前,全球仅有少数几家化学机械抛光浆料供应商,包括Cabot、、、 和Dow 五家美日厂商,五家厂商合计占据2018 年全球CMP 抛光液近八成市场份额,而国内仅安集科技仅占全球2.44% 市场份额[98]。国内市场Cabot 也占据了大部分市场,而其磨料直径可达15~20nm。

2018 年CMP 抛光液全球及中国市场竞争格局[98]

反观国内,CMP 抛光液国产化率约5%,主要企业包括安集微电子、上海新安纳电子、北京国瑞升科技。其中,安集微电子部分产品成功进入国内外8 英寸和12 英寸芯片生产线,上海新安纳电子作为二氧化硅纳米磨料供应商,产品已成功应用于8 英寸和12 英寸晶圆抛光,海新安纳则在存储抛光液上取得进展。 [13]


After the is , there is only one step away from the chip. At this time, the chip just cut from the wafer is just a bare chip (die), which needs to be it can be a chip. , the chip can be to our hands. 里面。

在行业中,封装和测试多被划入一个领域,即封测( and test ,ATM) ,工艺流程包括划片、装片、 键合、塑封、去飞边、电镀、打印、切筋和成型、外观检查、成品测试、包装出货等。 [99]

To put it , it is to test each chip is cut from the wafer with the on it. After the test, it is into a chip like a , and then the of the chip is again.

to the , in the cost of chip , for about one-third, chip for about one-third, and and also for about one-third, which is an part of chip [100]. Among them, the value of the link for about 80% to 85% of the and ratio, and the link for 15% to 20%. [101]

半导体封测是我国最早转型的制造环节,迄今为止,它已成为我国集成电路产业链中相对成熟的环节。早在2010 年,我国就已在封装测试环节实现632 亿元的销售额,其产值一度占据我国集成电路产业总产值的70% 以上。 [99]

Like the front-end , and also and .根据SIA 分类,后道工艺主要包括封装设备和测试设备两类,耗材则主要是封装材料。 [60]


Chips are small and thin, and can be and if not . is to a shell for the chip, and pins for later and use. [102]

There are , and will a . In , when with are , the the the , the the . , the to more . . In 's terms, it is to make this layer of shell and and more .

从上世纪70 年代起到现在,诞生了大量封装方式,呈现出百花齐放的态势。

From the of , is into and .传统封装包括最初的直插型封装DIP、小外形封装SOP、方型扁平式封装QFP、球栅阵列封装WB BGA 等;先进封装相比传统封装,效率更高、性能更好、成本更低,同时以小型化、轻薄化、窄间距、高集成为特点,包括倒装FLIP-CHIP、晶圆级封装WLCSP、扇出型封装INFO 以及2.5D / 3D 等。 [103]

Five of [101]

相比传统封装,先进封装无疑才是未来发展的重点,它是突破"存储墙"" 面积墙""功耗墙"" 功能墙"这" 四堵墙" 的关键。早在2012 年就有研究预言,采用2.5D 和3D 封装技术的集成电路将从2012 年约6000 万颗发展到2016 年超5 亿颗。 [100]

此外,先进封装也(小芯片,又称芯粒)息息相关。 指的是将单颗片上系统级芯片(SoC)的特定功能分散成一个个小芯片,再利用封装技术整合在一起,构成多功能异构系统级封装(SiP),就像搭积木一样,可以有效缩短产品开发周期,降低整体成本,提高器件算力,提升产品良率。[104]



当芯片制程发展逐渐触及摩尔定律的底线,3D 封装、扇形封装(FOWLP / PLP)、微间距焊线技术以及系统封装(SiP)成为延续摩尔定律的可选项,封测行业也逐渐从传统封测向先进封测过渡,先进封装技术在市场上的占比不断提升。

Yole 数据显示,2021 年全球先进封装市场规模为374 亿美元,预计2027 年可达650 亿美元,年复合增长率达9.6%,此外,先进封装市场增长将更为显著,成为全球封测市场主要增量。[106]

2021 年~2027 年先进封装概览[106]

从IDM 和角度来看,巨头们是先进封装技术的引领者,不断抢滩技术创新。台积电相继推出基板上晶圆上的芯片(Chip on Wafer on ,CoWoS)封装、整合扇出型( Fan-Out,InFO)封装、系统整合芯片( on Chips,SoIC)等;英特尔推出EMIB(2.5D)、(3D)和Co-EMIB 等先进封装技术;三星电子推出扇出型面板级封装(Fan-Out Panel Level ,FOPLP)技术。

从全球委外封测(不包含IDM 自有封测和晶圆代工公司提供封测)角度来看,芯思想研究院(Chip )数据显示,2022 年全球委外封测整体营收为3154 亿元,同比增长9.82%,其中前十强营收达2459 亿元,同比增长10.44%。[107]

2022 年全球封测前十市场占有率[106]

2020 年,我国封装市场规模达到2509.5 亿元,其中先进封装市场规模351.3 亿元,占比例约14%,预计2025 年我国先进封装市场规模将达到1137 亿元,占比将达32.0%。[108]

The is long, , chip , , wire , , , , , rib and , etc. [109], each a kind of , Chip , , solid , , , , etc.

从细分市场来看,贴片机、划片机、引线机三大主要封装设备占全球封装设备市场份额分别为30%、 28%、23%,据推算2021 年贴片机、划片机、引线机对应市场空间分别为21.0 亿美元、19.6 亿美元、16.1 亿美元。 [110]

of [110]

SEMI 数据显示,2021 年全球半导体封装设备市场规模为71.7 亿美元[111],其中大部分市场由国际寡头垄断,其中K&S 球焊机全球市占率达64%,Disco 划片机和减薄机全球市占率达2/3 以上,Besi、 ASM 垄断装片机市场,Besi、日本Towa、ASM 和日本是塑封系统主要品牌。 [110]

国产方面,封测设备国产化率不足5%,低于制程设备整体10%~15% 的国产化率[109]。其中,划片机以中国电子科技集团公司第45 研究所、武汉三工光电、江苏京创、 沈阳和研和郑州琦升为代表,固晶机以新益昌、艾科瑞思、大连佳峰为代表,塑封设备以文一三佳、安徽耐科装备为代表。


测试设备穿插在封装工艺的一前和一后,即晶圆检测(CP, ,又称中测)和成品测试(FT,Final Test,又称终测)。

To put it , it is to test each chip is cut from the wafer with the on it. After the test, it is into a chip like a , and then the of the chip is again.

测试设备包括测试机()、探针台()、分选机(Test )三种,无论是晶圆检测还是成品测试,测试芯片均需先将芯片引脚与测试机功能模块相连(探针台和分选机的作用),再通过测试机向芯片输入信号,并检测输出信号。 [112]

Among the three types of , the is and the are also . Not only that, also put more and more on , speed, , and , , and . 更高的要求。

半导体封测是我国最早转型的制造环节,迄今为止,它已成为我国集成电路产业链中相对成熟的环节。早在2010 年,我国就已在封装测试环节实现632 亿元的销售额,其产值一度占据我国集成电路产业总产值的70% 以上[113]。而在2020 年,我国半导体测试设备市场规模达到91.4 亿元,并且连续多年成为全球最大半导体销售市场。

it seems to be , the share of the core test is low.通过查看2015 年到现在国内封测厂商长电科技公开招标信息,测试机主要以海外头部厂商为主。

2019 年,美国泰瑞达()、日本爱德万()两大龙头全球合计市占率达到90%,占据国内测试设备市场将近91.2% 的市场份额,此外,美国科休(Cohu)、美国安捷伦()、美国科利登()等厂商也长期盘踞位居前几。 In , in the , and for only 6.1% of the share, and for 2.4%. 【114】

相比来说,爱德万、泰瑞达早在20 世纪60~70 年代进入半导体测试领域,我国则起步较晚,所以产品线单一,侧重于模拟/ 混合测试机,海外厂商则在SoC 测试机、存储测试机、模拟/ 混合测试机三大种类均有涉猎。

探针台方面,Tokyo 和占据全球73% 份额,惠特科技()、旺矽科技(MPI)两家中国台湾企业占据剩余市场份额大部分空间。[114]

国内外设备厂商ATE 测试机对比[114]封装材料

can be into three : , and by type.其中,90% 以上使用的是塑料,陶瓷和金属合计占比约为10%。 [115]



按用途,封装材料分为封装基板、引线框架、键合丝、塑封料四大主材,全球市场占比分别为32.46%、16.75%、16.23% 和6.81%。

SEMI 数据显示,2022 年~2027 年,全球半导体封装材料市场规模将从261 亿美元增长至298 亿美元,年复合增长率达2.7%。 [117]


不可否认的是,虽然国内陆续涌现一批有实力的制造企业,但相比国际仍存在5 年以上的技术落差,缺乏高端技术和产品。 Chip is from wafer , pre-chip to and , but any link that falls will a pain point for chip . [118]


In , the fab is the key to chips, and there are many ways to do it.

First of all, wafer is an with of scale, and must be in to make full use of idle . For , TSMC has fabs in China, the , and other .

其次,晶圆厂一经建立,必须保持全年每日24 小时不停歇运转,长时间持续生产难免产生性能下降、故障率增加等问题,预防性维护是做晶圆厂的必修课。


, the is a high-- . The a large of gases and that the . and waste gas and low- are the key. [120]

It can be said that chip is the most force for chips. Only when we in an all-round way can we truly the links of chip and , which will and and of .



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